English 302 Solved Assignment 2021-22 - NIOS Class 12th Solved Assignment 2021-2022

 NIOS Senior Secondary Solved Assignment 2021-2022

English 302 Solved Assignment 2021-22

Tutor Marked Assignment

Max Marks = 20

English 302 Solved Assignment 2021-22 - NIOS Class 12th Solved Assignment 2021-2022
English 302 Solved Assignment 2021-22 - NIOS Class 12th Solved Assignment 2021-2022

1.   (b) What was Gavaskar’s attitude during the matches when he was a child?

A.  Stopped game when out- walked off with bat and ball (which were his)- had fights with them due to this- childish behavior not liked by friends. Cleverly planned to get him out at a particular ball- made him accept the decision of the majority.


2.   Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

2 (a) The house withdrew into silence, snakes moved among books, I was then too young to read and my blood turned cold like the moon. (see lesson 6)

(i)           Why did the house become a silent place?

(ii)           Whose blood turned cold like the moon?

A.  (i) When her grandmother died, there came complete silence inside the house. Secondly snakes started moving among books because the house had been deserted. No one lived in it.

A.  (ii) The poet’s blood turned cold like the moon.

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Why did the father write letter to his son?

A.  The question is asked from the story Father, Dear Father. In this story, the father writes a letter to his son about how his son disappointed him by slipping from the first rank position to the second rank.


4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Discuss the character sketch of Gerrard and the intruder . Who is more smart between the two and how?

A. V.C. Gerrard was a play writer. He was having specs. He was a tall man . He was very smart looking. He was very clever as his work was to think cleverly and write a story interestingly. Once an intruder went to his cottage. The intruder was having an intention to kill Gerrard and then he would become V.C. Gerrard.

But as Gerrard was very clever. He didn't come to his talkies. Gerrard laid a net for the intruder.
And because of his intelligence Gerrard made the intruder to come into his talkies. And at last the intruder was sent to police. It shows that Gerrard was having great thinking capabilities.

Gerrard was more smart between them as he laid the net for intruder and help police caught the intruder.


5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) What gift had Aradhana’s parents arranged for her? When and why did they gift her?

A. Aradhna’s parents gifted her “ A Necklace”. They wanted to gift it to her on the occasion of School Annual Day Function and it was her 18th Birthday as well. They were very proud of her. They thought it was a more appropriate occasion.


Step-III- Prepare a Bio-sketch of Sardar Patel on the basis of the information you have collected. It must be written in 5-6 paragraphs covering all the points and information mentioned above.


Ans: Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel was the first deputy Prime Minister of India. He was also India’s first home minister. Fondly called the Iron Man of India, It was Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel’s determination and courage which created a unified India after India became independent from British on 1947.

Sardar Patel was born in the state of Gujarat. Right from his childhood, he was a bright student and a great organizer. He went to England to continue his studies and returned to India after earning a degree. He subsequently earns the barrister post and soon became a successful lawyer. He rejected many attractive jobs offered by the British government. Soon he started participating in the National freedom movement. His organizing capacity and public speaking skills made him a mass leader. In 1917, he was elected as the secretary of Indian national congress in Gujarat. He participated in all major agitations organized against British and in 1930, Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel was among the leaders imprisoned for participating in the famous Salt Satyagraha. He played a major role in the 1942 quit India movement. Post-independence, Patel played an instrumental role in uniting the country by pushing for the merger of more than 562 princely states.

Sadly, he couldn’t live long to enjoy the hard earned freedom long enough. He passed away on December 15, 1950. Sardar Patel is immortal. He still lives and inspires millions of people in India and around the world. Recently India government announced the Statue of Unity, a fitting tribute to Sardar Valla Bhai Patel with a planned height of 182 meters.

He was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest honor in 1991, Sardar Patel’s birthday which comes on October 31, was declared as Rashtriya Ekta Divas.


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